Ask me to do a hilarious blog post about a twenty-something’s
struggle to do, well, anything and I’m golden but ask me to do something that
may be slightly out of my comfort zone or what might be considered an “achievement”
and I’ve tapped out before you’ve said “portfolio.”
Procrastination and anxiety is a beautiful relationship, the
fit to perfectly together, they mesh like a gym person’s expensive legwear, or are
they thermals? You know, “skins”. Really, just no one was going to keep those
two kids from getting together. Too bad for everyone else in the entire world.
As I try to pull myself away from YouTube and The Mindy
Project to complete anything I consider worthwhile, a school essay, a smart person
article, I panic at my complete lack of skill and the idea of working on
something to gain those skills in a methodical manner freaks me the fuck out.
Isn’t everything you’re meant to do come super easy and if you have to try then
you shouldn’t bother? What, is that an unhealthy way of thinking?
Continues to watch YouTube as cannot think of way to
continue this barrage of word vomit.
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