Trigger warnings, refers to triggered media, anxiety, depression, sexual assault and domestic violence.
Look at you. You're so strong and brave. I know life can be hard. Almost like it's not worth the effort. You're doing it though, you are here.
I may not be able to meet you, hug you, pay for therapy, pay for a holiday, give you exactly what you need. But I can respect you enough to take a bit of care in what I put out on the Internet. I can take a few seconds to warn you and others about the content you may read.
Because you are worth that.
A persons life can be severely affected by content on anxiety, depression, sexual assault, domestic violence, anything that hurls them into a bad place.
If I can take a small action to avoid putting a person into a dark place, I will do my utmost to do so.
Trigger warnings are about respect and understanding.
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